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  • Writer's pictureVanessa Figueredo

How to register to vote in DC

Updated: May 9

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This year you will be able to vote in local elections in Washington DC, regardless of your immigration status. Make your voice count!

Starting this year, all Washington DC residents who can prove their residency will have the opportunity to vote in local elections. The positions for which you can vote are: mayor, councilmembers, advisory neighborhood commission, attorney general of the city and school boards.

And what do I need to vote?

To vote in Washington DC local elections it is necessary to be able to prove your residence with some type of identification such as DC ID, driver's license, or utility bill, or some other official document or letter from the government that has your name and address.

List of accepted documents:

- ID or DC driver's license.

- Bill for public services such as gas, electricity, water, internet, or cell phone.

- Any official document, check, or letter from the federal or district government, for example a letter from health insurance or an immigration process.

- A current residential lease or rental agreement

- A declaration of occupancy of a district homeless shelter

- A bank account statement

- A paycheck that includes the employer's name, address, and phone number

You can register online, by mail, email, or in person at the Board of Elections, located in D.C. Board of Elections, 1015 Half Street, SE, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20003.

Note: If you want to vote in the primary on June 4, you must register by May 14. If you do not do so before this date, you must bring all documents to register to vote during the elections from May 26 to June 4. To vote in the primaries you must be registered in a political party.

It should be noted that you must:

- Be at least 17 years of age and have turned 18 on or before the next General Election.

- Maintain residence in the District of Columbia for at least 30 days before the election in which you intend to vote.

- Do not claim residence to vote or the right to vote in any state, territory or country.

- Not having been declared legally incompetent to vote by a court.

Any DC resident can register, regardless of their immigration status.

Once registered, you will be able to actively participate in the electoral process and exercise your right to vote in local elections in Washington DC. Your vote counts!

If you need help registering, contact Trabajadores Unidos at 202-847-3187 or


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