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Workshop: Know Your Government with The Office on Latino Affairs (OLA)


Updated: Mar 8, 2022

by | Jun 20, 2015 | Past Actions |

Our workshop on June 17, 2015 was created with the purpose of informing our communities about the programs and services that the District of Columbia has to offer them. For instance, The Mayor’s Office on Latino Affairs (OLA) addresses social and economic needs by providing resources, such as grants to community organizations. However, many community members are not aware of OLA and its services.

As a result, we decided to invite Jackie Reyes, Director of OLA and Josue Salmeron, Deputy Director of OLA to our workshop.  Participants learned about OLA’s services and current projects. Additionally, participants had the opportunity to voice their concerns to OLA and ask for OLA’s support in solving the issues in their communities.

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